Give Help
Donate money
Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.
Our foodbank is run by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers for the benefit of local people – we rely on the community’s support to ensure we can continue to stop people going hungry. Can you invest in the future of our project and help us provide much-needed support to people in crisis in our community?
Regular giving:
Please click on the links below for our Standing Order and Gift Aid forms.
One-off gift
You can donate to our bank account
Account Name: Glasgow South East Foodbank
Name of Bank: Virgin Money
Account Number: 10021197
Sort Code: 82-64-27
A single gift could secure someone’s future. Contact us to find out more.
Friends of the Foodbank
We are looking to find a significant number of Friends who would be willing to donate monthly to the Glasgow South East Foodbank. This would provide a guaranteed income to help cover operational costs, including salary, stationery and administration.
We are actively engaged in seeking support from businesses and through grant applications. However, we see Friends of the Foodbank as people who will become our core supporters.
Please consider becoming a Friend of the Foodbank and sharing this simple but important way of supporting our work with family and friends. Please email or contact us if you would also like to receive our regular newsletter.
Yours faithfully.
Marion MacLeod (MBE), on behalf of the Trustees of the Glasgow SE Foodbank
Data protection
Glasgow SE Foodbank is committed to protecting your privacy and will process your personal data in accordance with current Data Protection legislation. Glasgow SE Foodbank collects information to keep in touch with you and supply you with information relating to our work. To unsubscribe from our newsletter, send a message to the email address above with the word unsubscribe in the subject line. A full data privacy statement for donors is available from the foodbank on request.’
Fundraise for us:
There are some helpful hints and ideas in our handy fundraising booklet.